Annual plants may only last a little while but, wow, do they make an appearance when they're here? They flower for an incredibly long time and some even flower after summer's been and gone as well. What a way to spring some colour back into your life when the skies get grey and dreary, right? You can’t have a garden without an annual or two in the repertoire. There are two types of annuals, hardy annuals and half-hardy.
Here's a quick breakdown of how annual plants work:
- When spring comes along, you sow the seeds from last year's flowers.
- You'll start to see a new liveliness from annual plants sprouting
- Throughout the summer, you'll begin to see gorgeous flowers blooming, as long as they've been cared for properly.
- As the growing season comes to a close, you'll find annual flowers yield seeds. This is an indication that the plant's life cycle has been completed.
This all happens in one 'season', hence the name 'Annuals'. To buy annual plants isn't a long-term investment. You're going to get dashes of colour right away!
Below is a list of local Garden Centres that are currently stocked with annual plants. Have a look, and visit your local garden centre today.