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Watering assortment Kilcannon Garden Centre


Watering your garden with gardening products from Kilcannon Garden Centre in . Watering has become a hot topic in recent years, with droughts and hosepipe bans making us gardeners think carefully about how we use every drop. But at Kilcannon Garden Centre they believe that if you target your watering carefully you not only save a precious resource; you also benefit your plants by giving them just the water they need, when they need it.

Watering wisely with Kilcannon Garden Centre

Use your water wisely – and save yourself unnecessary hours behind the hosepipe – by targeting it well. Plants most in need of extra water include greenhouse and container plants, completely dependent on you for watering; just-sown seeds and seedlings; and newly planted trees, shrubs and perennials which need extra help while they get established.

Vegetables don't need much watering, even in dry spells: the exceptions are leafy vegetables, and plants which are flowering or setting fruit, as if they go short then your harvest will suffer.

Make every drop of water count

Sprinkling lightly every day is far less effective than a thorough soak once a week. That's because water quickly evaporates from the soil's surface – but if you let it sink in, it stays by your plants' roots where it's needed. Water in the evening if you can to avoid losing moisture through evaporation.

Trap water in place with little moats around individual plants, or drinks bottles with the bottoms cut off and the lids removed, sunk upside down alongside thirsty plants like tomatoes. Fill them daily and they'll gradually deliver water right down to the root zone.

Clever watering solutions from Kilcannon Garden Centre in 

A sturdy, kink-resistant hose is your ally, making it far quicker and more efficient to water a large number of plants. Watering cans are a good backup, with sizes from tiny seedling watering cans to big ten-litre cans in our garden centre here in .

Save as much rainwater as you can with water butts fixed to the downpipes on your house. As well as conventional barrel-shaped models you'll find slimline and beehive designs, plus stands and connecting equipment for increasing your storage capacity.

For containers and hanging baskets needing a daily soaking, an automatic watering system is a real blessing – especially if you're working or have to be away regularly. Ask the staff at your -  garden centre to help you select the one that suits your requirements from the comprehensive selection in stock, for worry-free watering all summer long.